On April 25th, an ART therapy session was conducted for children at Chennai Enlight 2.0 Child Support Centre. The session was conducted by Ms. Sangamitra, an ART therapist, and Mr. Rakesh M. S., the H.R. Lead of BCM Capgemini India Pvt. Ltd. The workshop provided essential stationery packages and activities materials to the 23 children from 7 child support centers in Chennai Enlight who participated in the session.
The session began with an introduction of the children, who were asked to introduce themselves through artwork on a worksheet that collected comprehensive information about their strengths, weaknesses, likes, dislikes, happy and sad moments, and more. The therapist taught the children how to balance their emotions and cope with various feelings such as happiness, sadness, and anger. The session also included a game that encouraged active participation from the children.
Through a methodology of emotional regulation and coping mechanisms, the therapist aimed to boost the children's self-motivation and self-esteem. The children thoroughly enjoyed the session and benefited greatly from the therapy.