Events And News

Legal Awareness program for Enlight project women in Bengaluru

 19 Sep, 2018

The Enlight project in Bengaluru organized a one-day legal awareness programme for women in and around the project location in the month of August. The Karnataka State Women Development Committee President Ms. Poornima, Programme officer (WCD), Mr. Vignesh, Integrated Child Development Services,’ Ms. Kaladevi Child Development Project Officer and Legal advisor (ICDS) and Ms. Nagarathna honored the program with their presence. The awareness program was organized for the mother’s committee members and other mothers at Enlight Child Support Centers - Lakshmi Devi Nagar and Jai Bhuvaneshwari Nagar.

Poornima and Vignesh addressed the mothers on the importance of women empowerment and economic independence. Laws for women such as Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005, The Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013, The Prohibition of Child Marriage Act, 2006 were elaborated. An orientation on women helpline, 1091, and its features like of being a toll-free number was discussed. The two dignitaries from the women’s development committee said the department could also be reached through Enlight’s project team.