Education changes Life

03 Jan, 2018

Janvi Kedare though a shy and quite girl enjoyed coming to the child support centre in Kannamwar Nagar-2, Vikhroli, where she could play and spent quality time for herself. The 9yr old girl belonged to dalit community. Her mother is waste picker and her father is naka worker. They lived in Kannamwar Nagar Part-2, which is an unauthorised slum and always at risk of demolition drives by the municipality flooding by the tidal water. Often their hut gets flooded and it takes 2 to 3 days for the hut to dry up. 

It was her neighbourhood friend who brought Janvi to the centre where she had taken part in all the sessions. Once she came on a Saturday. Saturday’s are special days as children are engaged in a variety of life skill and soft skill developing activities. Janvi enjoyed the day and following this she began visiting the centre more often. Observing her interest, the team met convinced her parents to send her to the centre regularly and reluctantly she was allowed to join the centre. 

Though Janvi was promoted to class 4 (Kannamwar Nagar MCGM School) when subjected to the competency assessment exercise on joining the centre, the team found her results to be very poor in reading, writing and basic arithmetic. The team also found out that Janvi was quite irregular to school and that for her parents, priority was that Janvi took care of her 13 year old elder mentally challenged brother and her 7year old younger brother. With no support and motivation Janvi too had lost interest in studies and in going to school. 

Based on the assessment observations a plan was developed specifically for Janvi by the centre teacher. Slowly Janvi showed progress in reading, writing and arithmetic. The joyful and supportive atmosphere in the centre, the variety activities brought a positive change in Janvi’s  overall personality. Today she is no more the shy girl and quite girl, rather she transformed into an active girl who enthusiastically participated in all activities, took lead and confidently engaged with her peer group in the centre. Consistent counselling of her parents by the team also helped in Janvi’s progress. She has turned regular to school and is quite serious about her studies. Janvi aims to become a doctor!