
Chennai18 Oct, 2021

Nine year-old Kaviya lives with her parents in New Kanniyamman Nagar and is a student of the Villivakkam Panchayath Union Primary School. Both her parents are daily wage workers. Her father is a mason and a commercial artist who paints pictures and portraits on walls. She was enrolled in Enlight in 2016-17. In her very first competency assessment, Kaviya scored a ‘C’ as she was unable to identify or read alphabets or words in both English and Tamil (mother tongue).

Following the initial assessment, the CSC instructor developed a plan for Kaviya to follow. This included Kaviya undertaking “Katha on Ratha” training process. This interactive method of learning helps children learn to identify & read alphabets, develop pronunciation and word formation skills in a play way manner. In the year 2017 -18 when Kaviya once again underwent the competency assessment exercise, she scored ‘B’ grade. Each CSC has a collection of interesting books in English and Tamil to encourage the habit of reading amongst the children

Kaviya’s parents were daily wage workers, hence often returned home late. Kaviya and her sister on returning from school were afraid to stay alone at home, hence, played outside till their parents returned. On joining the Enlight, both Kaviya and her sister came to the CSC after school and by the time the sessions were over their parents used to reach back home.

CSCs have become an important factor in the lives of children. It’s no longer just a learning space but a safety hub for children, who have to return to empty homes after school, spend time unproductively and are at risk with no to care about.