16 Jan, 2018

Often parents find it difficult to meet their child’s educational needs primarily due to poverty. They have no clue of any alternative way to address such issues and often end up taking  loan from friends or local money lender to pay school fees. Not possessing educational accessories is traumatic for the child as she gets reprimanded by the teacher and teased by fellow classmates. They gradually loose interest in studies and avoid going to school. To address this, the team encouraged savings by children themselves and thus mobilise resources for oneself. 

All children linked with the project in Trichy, Salem and Chennai was given a piggy bank and encouraged to save their pocket money. The idea picked up soon and children began saving their pocket money. Parents too contributed to it. It was decided that money saved would be used primarily for educational needs such as to purchase books, notebooks, pencils, erasers, uniforms, shoes, pay school fees and for emergency needs.  

This simple initiative developed a value for money and importance of savings within the child while gave a sense of security for the parents. Children stopped spending their pocket money for unhealthy food, sweets and for unnecessary purposes. The savings was a big relief and face saver for those parents who were often forced to take loan to meet educational expenses. Not having to take loan was a matter of dignity. 

A total of 600 children have joined the campaign and efforts are in process to integrate all children in the project to adopt this useful activity. On analysis of the expenditure pattern it was found that 40% of the children used the savings to purchase Educational Materials, 27% bought support accessories (School bags, Uniforms and slippers) for themselves, 11% spent their money for the family, especially to buy food materials, 9% of children had bought Tiffin Box/Lunch bag and 4% children had paid their school fees.