Madhina Kousar

Bengaluru18 Oct, 2021

Madhina Kousar belonged to a large poverty ridden family. Her father is an auto driver and mother a homemaker. The provision in the Right to Education Act enabled Madhina to join the Oxford English School but she was struggling with her studies. Her parents were quite conservative and protective of their children. Each day Madhina’s father dropped her and her siblings to school in his autorickshaw. In 2016 Madhina was enrolled in the Jai Bhuvaneswari Nagar Child Support Centre (CSC). She soon became one of the most regular students at the CSC and participated in all activities. Gradually her educational competencies improved and also demonstrated her hidden talents. Her younger siblings too joined the CSC. Madhina was good in English and she volunteered to be a peer educator. She enthusiastically helped others and on one occasion confidently compered an event in English. She was also quick to learn computers and was keen about IT. She never hesitated from helping other children in need.

Everything went on fine until one day when Madhina’s attained puberty and her parents stopped her from attending school and the CSC. Her parents felt it unsafe for her to venture out of the house. This was a big blow for a competent student like Madhina who was in 9th class.

In India, thousands of girls are forced to dropout from school as soon as they attain puberty and Madhina was just one amongst these unfortunate girls. The team did not lose hope and counselled Madhina’s parents. After several rounds of discussions and persuasion, Madhina’s parents agreed to allow their daughter to continue her studies and appear for her 10th exams. Enlight, thus plays a crucial role in breaking barriers, especially socio-cultural barriers enabling girls continue their education and reach out to their dreams